Please follow the easy steps below to install the theme and the demo content:
- Technical Requirements
- How to download the theme?
- Theme Installation Guide
- Basic Theme Configuration
- Demo Content Installation Guide
- The second way to install the demo content
To install the theme you must have a working version of WordPress already installed. Make sure you have a clean WordPress setup. This installation guide will help you to install WordPress.
If you are new to WordPress please check Lessons.
We also recommend you WordPress Documentation and WordPress FAQs as a handbook.
Technical Requirements
You need web hosting with:
- PHP version 7.4 or greater. We recommend version 7.4 as the most supported version by plugins.
- MySQL version 5.6 or greater OR MariaDB version 10.1 or greater
- WordPress 5 or greater installed
Please make sure before demo installation that the hosting has PHP 7.4 or greater. Thank you!
How to download the theme?
- Click on Download button
- Choose “All files & documentation“
- Unarchive the downloaded zip file

Theme Installation Guide
1. Go to Appearance
2. Click on Add New

3. Click on Upload Theme
4. Choose File (the installable theme which is called

5. Click on Install Now.

If it shows issue: “The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.” please make sure you are uploading only the installable theme which is called
6. Click on Activate

Basic Theme Configuration
1. To make your website look like the demo website you have to install all recommended plugins, BUT if you don’t need some of them, just uncheck as necessary.
Elementor is only one required plugin to work demo pages and Unyson plugin is only required to install the demo content (you can delete Unyson plugin after demo installation finished).
Start install plugins by clicking on Begin installing plugins

2. Select all by clicking on the top checkbox OR select only Elementor and Unyson plugins.

3. Choose Install option in Bulk actions selector
4. Click once Apply
5. Wait for a little till plugins are installing and activating. The installation time depends on your hosting performance. Usually, it takes about 10-30 seconds.

6. Click on Dashboard
Sometimes after clicking on Dashboard (on this step) you will redirect to some plugin beginner setup (like WooCommerce or Elementor). Just skip it all on, do it later after the demo content installed.
Demo Content Installation Guide
1. Go to Unyson

2. Find Backup & Demo Content and click on Activate. Now the site is ready for One-click Demo Content Install feature.

3. Go to Tools => Demo Content Install

4. Be aware – installing demo content will delete all your current content. Click on Install

Wait till it’ll be downloaded. Your site now must be identical to the live preview. Congratulations!
The second way to install the demo content
The theme also suggests the alternative way to install the demo content. Please visit Alternative Demo Installation guide page. Thank you!
Possible issues
If the exported demo looks different than the live preview then go to Elementor => Tools => Regenerate CSS => Click on Regenerate Files button.
The demo installation usually works on 99% of hostings, so issues are pretty exceptional. If you have a trouble with the installation, please check the minimal hosting requirements from the Technical Requirements section above.
If the steps above didn’t help please ask the Support.